Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Perfect Portraits

Photographer Shelton Muller reveals 10 easy steps to taking "people pictures"
1. The right light
Light is the key to all photographs and this is especially true of people. Without doubt, the worst light you could employ when taking portraits is direct flash. Soft afternoon and early morning is perfect for adding dimension and warmth to your portraits.

2. The right pose
Don't force an uncomfortable pose with an inexperienced subject. Try to be natural and comfortable in your approach and do not force poses and smiles if they are not forthcoming.

3. The right composition
The worst place you can put someone face is smack bang in the center of the frame. Place your subject's face in the top of the frame and ensure that you have removed unnecessary distraction.

4. The right moment
Capturing people in their most candid moments often makes for the most captivating portraits. This especially true of children. Don't feel the need to interrupt.

5. The right lens
Use your camera's zoom lens for portraits. It is more complementary and also gives you a more comfortable distance.

6. The right depth of field
Use a wide aperture to blur the background and highlight your subject within the frame. Sharp background often only distract the viewer from the person in the picture.

7. The right facial expression
Forced smiles or contrived expressions just don't work. If you have a good relationship with the subject, a natural smile should not to be too difficult to achieve. However, smile are not always necessary. Pleasant and natural facial expressions reveal more about your subject than forced than smile do.

8. The right context
People often at their most interesting when found in the context of their work, their circumstances or their interests. But be careful to compose strongly so that your subject is not lost in their own surroundings.

9. The right perspective
Find the right height to photograph your photographs. Too high and you can demean your subject. Too low and you can make them appear too dominant.

10. The right approach
If you nervous, uptight and lack confident, it can make your subject feel the same way. Often it can make your subject a little while for both photographer and subject to feel at easy. When this happens, more natural and pleasing portraits result.

Shelton Muller is a professional photographer and editor of "Total Image", "Better Pictures" and "Photo Plus" Magazines. He can be contacted at www.fiveminutephotographer.com

Source: The Courier Mail printed edition Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

My Sons Pics

Ini gaya "lucu" cici kalo mau difoto..
The Funny Boy

Ini foto Rifqi waktu kita tamasya ke Ragunan. Wah berani benar, megang ular besar sambil aksi di depan kamera..
The Brave Boy

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Ku Tak Bisa

Vokal Kaka Slank yang teriak-teriak "ku tak bisa, jauh..jauh.. darimu" rasanya pas banget sama suasana hati hari ini. Bener-bener ngga bisa jauh deh sama orang-orang yang kita cintai dan sayangi. Kebayang semua tentang mereka: senyum, kehangatan dan ketulusan saat bersama. Hmm.. bikin gimanaaa gitu...

Apalagi saat winter gini. Dinginnya kamar dan kewajiban belajar buat menghadapi final exams bikin hati tambah mellow rasanya. Coba kalo di Indo, pasti ngga ada tuh yang namanya dingin sampai menyiksa begini. Semua sedang-sedang saja alias passs..

Keinget bakso yang hangat, soto, sate, dan makanan-makanan "penggugah gairah" lainnya kalo lagi dingin. Dan asyiknya semua makanan tersebut ngga perlu disiapin sendiri. Tinggal tunggu si abang tukang jualan lewat, atau kalo mau agak bersusah payah, ya dateng ke tempat sang penjual mangkal.. tinggal menikmati fres from the oven..yuhuii..

Kalo disini? beda banget!. Kalo mau masakan fresh ya mesti masak sendiri, dengan bumbu instant dan bumbu pelengkap lainny ayang terbatas. Terus kalo bikin sekalian banyak, biar sisanya bisa disimpen di kulkas, nanti kalo mau makan tinggal dipanasin lagi.. ih, mbosenin sih sebenernya. Ya, karena bisa tuh, tiga hari makan dengan lauk utama yang sama. Biar agak ngga bosen, paling lauk sampingannya yang berubah, pake keripik kentang (bukan kerupuk loh!). Atau kalo memang apes banget ya cukup nasi pake rendang selama tiga hari..

Ngga bosen? bosen sih,tapi karena ngga ada pilihan ya rasanya nikmat-nikmat aja tuh. Salah satu cara menyisatinya adalah (1) alihkan perhatian pas lagi makan, biasanya saya makan didepan komputer sambil baca berita di internet. Nonton TV (2) Kadang makan bareng sama temen, sambil ngobrol (3) Inget bahwa banyak yang ngga bisa makan hari ini. tapi kalo yang no.3 mah jarang banget inget..:)

Begitulah kira-kira, What I have done to survive on my life in the overseas life..

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Underpressure Month

Bulan ini adalah bulan penuh tekanan karena semua tugas-tugas kuliah sudah due date semua. stress abis pokoknya..

dan sebelnya, ternyata tugas2 itu yang disangkain gampang, ternyata susah juga..
huh.. sebel