Selasa, 22 Maret 2011


Talking about Singapore, Your imagination will connect to the city or a country which is clean, orderly people and rich country. Yes that all true

When I arrived at Changi Airport in Singapore, the beautiful airport with modern infrastructures outspread in front of you. Officers welcome you to enjoy the tourism atmosphere. Moreover, everything here seem s easy to be tackled. Immigration processed quickly. Visitors do not wait in long time to enter Singapore.

Streets, skyscrapers and parks combine the harmony of city life. Good public transportation services people who busy with their buisness. Malls and shopping center offer the diversity of people's need. Tourist spend their money involuntary because they can not stand the intention of buying things

You can find international community everywhere. They are blending with local people and enjoying the city life in harmony. That condition is dificult to find in Jakarta.

I realize that Singapore government realy concern about the cleanness of the city, traffic and infrastructures for the inhabitants of Singapore. Everything under well planning and concider the natures of nature. So that the development growing in line with the basic need and the growing of people.

If Jakarta want to be like Singapore, Jakarta has to have big effort for fixing many things especially publik transportation, cleanness and the orderly people with law enforcement.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Entertaint Special Guests

When special guests are coming to my office, it needs special treatments. The special things that you have to prepare are meeting room, meals for lunch and snack. Unfortunatelly, only meeting room is available, the rest of them I have to struggle to provide.

I have to mobilize some of my staff to provide the best we can do. For example, I ask one of my staff to arrange menu for lunch including the restaurant which provides the menus we need. We also do not have cutlery so that We tried to borrow it from my friend.

Finish with lunch matters problem we faced the budget dificulties. There are no budget allowance for banquet. As a result, We tried to provide budget from other source which is from meeting snack budget.

The problem is not end on that. During the meeting my little Boss complained about snack."there is no snack," She said. "It was better if we providing snack as well." Oh my God, She do not know that the budget from banquet is not available and we got that from other source.

Wow, it is hectic when We must provide something that We do not have. Moreover, if other people do not appreciate our struggle to provide them so only complained and unsatisfied respond we received.

the pictures below are the pictures of meals that we provide for our special guests. There are Indonesian cuisines from West Sumatera - Padang cuisines that famous around the south east asia. The reason why we provide the menus because our guests are from Malaysia , the country that has almost similar menus with ours.

Rendang - Meat that cooking with special ingridients and coconut milk

Chicken Curry

Gurame Grill. Freshwater Fish that grill with special ingridients and chilli.

Eartquake Hits Japan

Earthquake hits Japan and followed by Tsunami is the top headline news recently. Almost all TV stations and newspapers covering the story of the earthquake and tsunami, completed with dramatics pictures and videos.

However, see how Japanase people and government cope with the disaster I am optimistic that They will recover imediately. They have good planning how to manage and face to the earthquake because They experience earthquake routinely.

Eventhoug they are some news about nuclear radiation as the effect of nuclear reactor blasted, many people there still react normally and try not be panic. Everything seems under good control. Furthermore, based on some experties, the effect of the radiation as not bad as Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster.

By the way, learn how Japanese try to exit from devastating dissaster and back to live normally gives us much wisdom that everything that managed well will minimize bad impacts.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Junior High School Reunion

Yesteday, I met some of my Junior High School at a restaurant in CITOS. This was a first meeting for me after more than 20 years. It was a very long-long time, wasn't it?

Surprise for me that I could meet them again. Something that I had noticed that some of my friends changes in some ways. The girls that I knew change to be Moms, not only pishycally but also the way they are thinking, speaking and styling. The boys that I knew change also with fat body and Dady style.

I am happy that know some of my friends mostly have good job carier. One of my friend is branch manager of private bank, others are managers, marketers and white collar profesion.

We spend time to chat and remember some events and funny things in our school era. We talked about our work and family and more and more..

Mang Ajo, Restaurant and Fishing Arena

Located at West Karawang, the Mang Ajo Restaurant and Fishing Arena is easy to catch from West Karawang exiting gate . Take less than 15 minutes from the toll gate, you will find sign in the right side of the street.

Here you will find peacefull and fresh area because there are some ponds and little houses (saung) that a space for having lunch or dinner with your group. the space are clean and enough for you and group for enjoying togetherness.

The meals also special. Fried Mas Fish is very crunchy and companion with fresh vegetables and white sticky rice. The taste is undefined because it is so delicious. Furthermore, the price is very affordable as well. For full meals, we must pay less than Rp60.000,- only.

So, let's go there and dont forget to ask me to come too

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Jalan Pagi

Jalan pagi... banyak manfaatnya yaitu bikin sehat karena membuat badan jadi segar, pikiran terang dan semangat jadi menggebu-gebu. Apalagi kalo jalan paginya dilingkungan yang asri, rindang dan bersih, bisa mendapat manfaat tambahan yaitu matanya jadi seger.

Seperti saya yang tumben banget jalan pagi. Waktu jalan pagi Jumat minggu lalu di Taman Lapangan Banteng minggu lalu.. ternyata banyak obyek menarik yang bisa dilihat. Selain tamannya yang memang lumayan terawat, disekelilingnya juga terdapat gedung-gedung yang menarik untuk diabadikan.

Hotel Borobudur yang terkenal dengan Sop Buntutnya. Lumayan menarik untuk diambil gambarnya.

Katedral Jakarta dari Lapangan Banteng. Pingin banget lihat dalamnya seperti apa, belum kesampaian.. eh, boleh ngga ya masuk kesana buat yang beragama lain?

Di timur taman ada Gedung Kementerian Agama, Kantor Pusat Pertamina dan terlihat juga Lidah Api dari tugu Monumen Nasional

Sisi dalam Taman Lapangan Banteng..lumayan bersih dan menarik kan?

Tugu Pembebasan Irian Barat.. Landmark Lapangan Banteng yang mulai dilupakan, karena berada ditengah taman yang cukup rimbun.. jadi tidak begitu terlihat dari sekiling jalan

Sst.. tapi katanya taman ini jadi mangkalnya kupu-kupu malam ya? tapi kupu-kupunya cowo loh.. waaah, sayang ya taman seindah ini kalo dijadiin lokasi perbuatan negatif..

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


Sebagian dari Keindahan Bromo

Tak puas ke Jawa Timur bila tidak melihat keindahan Bromo