Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Macau, Special Adminstrative Region

Mengunjungi Macau untuk urusan pekerjaan memang kurang asyik. Kota yang dirancang untuk bersenang-senang tersebut memang sangat mengundang rasa ingin tahu siapapun yang ingin menikmati penawaran wisata kota tersebut. Kesempatan berada di Macau selama dua hari dengan cuaca yang amat buruk hanya menyisakan rasa penasaran di hati.

Pemandangan di daerah Taipa
Kedatangang kami ke Macau di musim panas (summer) seharusnya menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk menjalankan tugas sekaligus menikmati suasana liburan musim panas. Tetapi cuaca buruk di China daratan ternyata juga dialami Macau. Sejak kedatangan hingga kepulangan kami, tak sekalipun gerimis berhenti. . Di tambah lagi, matahari tak sekalipun memberikan sinarnya sehingga saya sulit menentukan arah dan membuat cuaca agak sedikit dingin.

Salah satu penampilan yg ditunggu pengunjung, the mermaid
Selain cuaca yang buruk, saya juga kesulitan menemukan makanan halal. Sepengetahuan saya, tak sekalipun saya memenukan restoran dengan status halal. Dengan sangat terpaksa, akhirnya saya memilih untuk makan di restoran cepat saji dengan pilihan fish o fillet meskipun tanpa label halal. Menu makan malam  dan sarapan pagi, ya dengan  fish o fillet itu. Mungkin karena belum tahu "medan" saya tidak menemukan toko yang menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kalau ada, kan saya bisa beli buah sebagai pengganjal perut bila lapar.

Menara Macau di kejauhan, tertutup mendung tebal
Nah, kalau asyiknya menurut saya adalah Macau ternyata cukup bersih, rapi dan tertata. Kelihatan sekali kota ini diurus dengan baik oleh pemerintah kota Macau. Jalan-jalan yang mulus dengan pepohonan yang sejuk dan pedestrian disetiap sisinya membuat kota ini cukup asyik dipandang mata.Hebatnya, walaupun gerimis tak pernah berhenti, saya tak melihat adanya genangan air di jalan-jalan yang saya lewati

Macau dilihat dari jembatan yang menhubungkan Macau dan Taipa
Selain itu, service yang diberikan pengelola casino berupa bus antar jemput gratis dari airport atau terminal ferry, membuat pengunjung dapat menghemat biaya transportasi yang cukup material. Saya cukup terkejut waktu menyadari, hampir semua hotel yang memiliki casino memberikan service gratis antar jemput dari dan ke airport atau terminal ferry. Well, benar-benar pelayanan prima.. tapi kalau dipikir-pikir, biaya gratis transport tak akan sebanding dengan kemungkinan kalah berjudi di casino kan?..he..he..

Sebagai bekas koloni Portugis, Bahasa Portugis masih digunakan sebagai sebagai bahasa sehari-hari
Yah, begitulah.. dua hari di Macau, saya tak sempat sekalipun mengunjungi trademark wisata Macau. Tempat acara yang berada di pulau yang berbeda (Taipa area) dengan trademark wisata Macau (Macau area) membuat kami tidak sempat untuk curi-curi kesempatan mengunjungi Macau area.  Reruntuhan St Paul dan landscape kota tua Macau hanya bisa saya saksikan melalui foto-foto di internet.. hiks..
Terminal Ferry Macau, pintu gerbang utama menuju Macau dan keluar Macau

Tapi, tak apalah.. mungkin waktu kan berpihak pada saya dan memberikan kesempatan untuk meng-explore Macau agar saya bisa berbagi cerita lebih lengkap dan menarik tentang Macau..

Oh iya, untuk mencapai Macau melalui Hong Kong, bila memang kita tidak ingin menikmati kota Hong Kong,  kita ternyata tak perlu melewati imigrasi Hong Kong. Cukup melalui ferry terminal yang terintegrasi dengan HK Int'l Airport, kita akan sampai di Macau dan melewati imigrasi Macau. Biayanya pun cukup murah cuma sekitar HK$500 untuk perjalanan ke dan dari Macau. Kapal Ferry nya cukup nyaman dan cepat dan terminal ferry-nya pun bersih dan cukup teratur. Secara umum, transportasi di Macau memang cukup tertata..

Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Arabian Style

Come back from the pilgrim on April 2012, Me and my wife were very happy. We felt that our believe in God increased significantly. More over, the experienced when we did pilgrims was very wonderful thing and will be unforgettable moments.

My sons and their cousins are wearing arabian style clothing
As common, after traveling from some place, Indonesian always brought something as a gifts for his/her family and so do we. We brought some gifts for our family even our neighbors. Could you imagine how much we spent our money and how many kilos the gifts? A lots.

We bought things those are special from Saudi Arabia. For example we bought some clothing that indicate moslem wear or Arabian style. Basically, the style for men and women are similar in fashion which is  long dress. The differentiation for women long dress is in design and color.  For men, the long dress is very simple just straight design. However, for women there some design that more stylist indeed. Mostly women wear black long dress. Once more, do not forget to wear a hijab or  a veil is a must for women.

For my sons, we bought special clothing. I thought it is a funny clothing because the clothing is uncommon for Indonesian. Yes, Arabian style for kids. So, it was one of special moment for me to take a pictures of them in special dress.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

When the kite season is comming

When the kite season is coming,
you will find the sky fully with sort of kites
The bright sky and strong wind blows
Flying the kites very hight to the skies

Holiday, amazing July
when it is time for school holiday
kids happy with their kites
feel the time will never ends

the representation of happiness
blue, yellow, white and reds
flying in the sky always
Singgang Kite, a special kite with Kowang that produce unique sound

That a poem of mine about the kite. Not good but not bad also. I just want to perpetuate a situation when the kite season is coming. Fully of happiness.

My son, Rizky is very antusiatic to play kite every day. His favorite is the "Singgang" kite. It is a very unique kite that has a very big size and special attributes on it. It called  "kowang" that produce a voice, unique sound. Kowang's sound can be heard from the land eventhough the kite fying very high in the sky.

All of the singgang lovers will ignore the hot weather  and very dry humidity. When the enjoy  flying a kite, they do not aware about the time, ignore hot sun and dust also. also. Sometimes they start to play after lunch until the end of the day, afternoon. Really forget about the time.

I guess, the passion of the kite lover is when they can do flying a kite. In the area which very limited, they try to do flying kite. Electric pole, trees and other attributes of houses are the obstacle that face of the kite players. But, if they can do flying kite successfully, it will be a something for them.

Jakarta Anniversary

This year is 483th Jakarta Anniversary. At this age, Jakarta is old enough. However, some aspects of Jakarta still under expectation. Flood, congestion, public transportation, clean and safe Jakarta are some of Jakarta's problem.
Bundaran Bank Indonesia, a very beautiful landmark

As the native of Jakarta, I really hope Jakarta could be as better as other international cities in the world, at least Asian cities. Do not hope Jakarta as modern as Singapore that very clean and save. If Jakarta can align with other city as Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur, it is enough for me.

View to Jalan Merdeka Selatan, a statue of national hero M.H. Thamrin
Jakarta is beautiful in the main street like Thamrin street, Gen. Sudirman street and some street around. Skyscrapers, green park and wide pedestrian are very well organized. In this area, you will assume Jakarta as beautiful as other capital cities. The government of Jakarta pays attention seriously to make up this area.

Let us move to other area of Jakarta. Jakarta with very big area has many dirty area. Low income people habit some area illegally. Much of this  people do not have identity card, social guarantee or feasible house. They live in the side of dirty river or under street bridge. More over, They do not have access to clean water or health facilities. Unfortunately, They do not have formal job as well.

Bank Indonesia (BI) Square, BI main building, the combination of vintage and the modern one
Jakarta be a beautiful, modern and safe city is the must. The main reason is Jakarta is the representative of Indonesia. International visitors who come to Indonesia mostly through international airport in Tangerang- a suburb of Jakarta. If in the first impression they assume Jakarta is dirty, unsafe and not well organized, they will not come again to Jakarta. Moreover, if they tell bad story about Jakarta  to their colleagues, family or posting their opinion in the social network, it will ave very big impact to Jakarta.Visitors or tourists from international community will not have intention to visit Jakarta.

So, in the age of old Jakarta I wish Jakarta can improve its self to be a modern, clean and safe city. Free form flood and congestion that will improve the life quality of Jakartans.