Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

quality time

Spending my time with my family is one of my favorite activities. Just like what I did yesterday night when my children performed their ability in reading a poem titled "My Taman Alqur'an Nurul Huda."

In the framework of my children schools' anniversary, the pupils of the school have to write a poem regarding their school. The best poem will be read in front of parent of the pupils. Surprisingly, my kids' poem is the best one.

And, last night my children practiced his performance in front of I and his mother. Rifqi red the poem in very confidence style. Loud and use his hands to express the words. Meanwhile his little brother also did not to be outdone. He also red the poem in very confidence and expressive style.

Well, I and my wife laughed at their performed. We were proud that their did not shame to perform their ability in art.

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