Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Assignment No. 1

Ngga sengaja buka file di Simdabase kantor. Eh, ketemu latihan bikin tulisan pendek tahun 2005, jauh sebelum saya dinyatakan diterima AUSAID Scholarship. Ternyata lumayan juga.. tapi mungkin itu udah berkali-kali koreksi kali ya.. dan saya jadi inget sama temen saya Nyoman Sastrawan yang dengan telah senang hati mendorong dan memberi semangat saya untuk terus berlatih guna persiapan memperoleh beasiswa. Dan, berikut hasil tulisan saya saat itu..

Assignment No. 1
Mr. Effendi’s farewell party

On august 19 and 20, 2005 the employees of The Sub Directorate of Examination visited Argasonya, Bogor to participate in Mr. Effendi’s farewell party. This party was dedicated to him as the last special moment before going to retire. All employees interested in it and hoped it would be unforgettable moment for him.

To organize this party, staff of Mr Effendi established a committee and headed by Mrs. Juliana. Duties of that committee were arranged schedule, organized programme and prepared boarding house for participants.

The committee directed all participants to obey the schedule. The schedule had night and day sessions. Day session was fun session such as played games and night session was casual session such as singing together and special party for Mr. Effendi.

In day session, all participants followed competition. They were devided into four groups. Each group had four person and they would compete among the groups. To win the competition, the have to collect the highest score.

In night session, some participants sang a song and gave an impression about Mr. Effendi. On behalf of the staff, Mr. Sihombing – The head of sub directorate of examination- gave a gift and acknowledge for Mr Effendi. All of us were happy and enjoyed this session. This was being unforgettable moment for us.

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