Kamis, 28 Februari 2013


Talking about integrity, for some people just like an ironic. In one hand they talk about integrity, but in the other hand they do corruption...

Berani Jujur, Hebat!
After attending a seminar about corruption, I really surprised that there are so many things categorized as corruption. For example, when you recharge your private mobile phone at your office, it could be classified as a corruption. If I am not mistaken, there are more than 30's classification of corruption. Even, if you do not earn any benefit of the disbursement, however your action caused somebody or anybody has benefit from it, it could be categorized  as corruption.

Pak Abdullah Hehamahua, former of Commissioner of Indonesia Anti Corruption Commission said there are not difficult to avoid corruption. Firstly, Start from your self and disseminate it to your own family, your extended family and your neighborhood. Secondly, start from little things and thirdly start from now.

If I imagine the condition of this country, it is very sad that corruption has entered every level of people. They do assume that what they do is not categorized as corruption. So, almost everyone do corruption. I hope, with the well dissemination information, people understand what corruption is.

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